Please consider pre-ordering my upcoming book from Waters Edge Press, Communiqué: Poems from the Headlines.
I accept PayPal but don’t have a PayPal business account, just a PayPal “wallet”. If you’d like to deal with me directly rather than Jeff Bezos, you can send the cost of the book + $4 for package and post. Go to PayPal, click on “Send Money” tab and enter this email: In the message window, put your mailing address and the book you want.
Communiqué: Poems from the Headlines —-Please order from Waters Edge Press
The following can be ordered directly from me:
Who Are we Then? $10
Masquerades and Misdemeanors (I’m out, check with Pebblebrook press or go to Amazon.)
Tar Pit $15
Benediction & Baseball $10
“With apologies to William Carlos Williams, Ed Werstein proves in his newest book that you can get poetry from the news. ”
“...this is a fun book to read-whimsical, nostalgic and rich in human understanding.”
To purchase this book email me at to et my address.
$10 plus shipping.
“These words are like “signals from the stars,” lovely and surprising and filled with the stuff of good poetry: strong images, deft use of language and unerring need to have fun. ”
“ Nowhere is poetry more vibrantly alive than right here in Wisconsin—the domain that we, the Hartford Avenue Poets, call home.”
“Ed’s passionate and thoughtful words, strong images, and insightful questions step down off the soapbox and march poetically straight into our hearts, with much music and gravity.”